If youre a Mac user, you can open the folder through Spotlight. macOS Sierra (10.12.2) Java 8 Update 121 Confirmation Status: Community Consensus Description Mod Notice This issue is usually caused by adblockers, uninstall any adblockers you are using, restart your mac and try again. If anybody needs more information, feel free to ask. minecraft (or simply minecraft in macOS) the folder Minecraft Java Edition creates to. I have 16 GB of DDR3 RAM, 12GB of which is allocated through the mand.
William-Mac-Pro:~ william$ /Users/william/Desktop/girth/mand exit Ī problem occurred running the Server .InvocationTargetExceptionĪt java.base/.invoke0(Native Method)Īt java.base/.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)Īt java.base/.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)Īt java.base/.invoke(Method.java:567)Īt .n(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:70)Īt .ServerLaunchWrapper.main(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:34)Ĭaused by: : class $AppClassLoader cannot be cast to class ($AppClassLoader and are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')Īt .(Launch.java:34)Īt .main(Launch.java:28) Last login: Sun Aug 4 16:03:25 on console This is the mand I'm using:Įxec java -Xms12G -Xmx12G -jar forge-1.12.ĭouble-clicking, I am met with this gargantuan error: I understand that to allocate more ram to the forge.jar, I must use a mand file.
System Requirements: Mac OS X 10.6 - 10.13 High Sierra / Windows.
I'm attempting to run a forge server on my old mac (An Intel IMac I have booted with High Sierra 10.13.6), and i'm running into a few problems. Minecraft Download For Mac Os X 10.6 8 Download torch browser mac os x 10.6.8 for.